Noel is now playing every Friday night at:
Lorenzo's Bar and Grill
911 Richmond Road

from 6 to 10 pm

Lots of new pictures:
New Year's Eve 2013
at Moony's Bay Bistro

A big thank-you to Mark & Pete
See here

It was a Really Great Night

With Noel playing in the jazz lounge of the
Brookstreet Hotel in Kanata
Watch for more gigs at this venue.


Click to enlarge

Come out and meet Noel:
for a night of singing, dancing
and fun

Guaranteed to get you moving, grooving, singing and swinging! This versatile Ottawa Piano man and singer has captivated audiences throughout the Philippines, Japan and Canada. With the friendliness of smiles, his warm engaging spirit and mellow voice, Noel tickles the ivory or guitar strums his way though a variety of selections from The Great American Songbook to timeless hit parade numbers from the 40s to the nineties. “I play and I sing and I do sing-alongs,” Noel says of his raison d’être. “And if I see someone who has a voice, then I ask them to sing along.

Copyright 2016 © by Noel Dimar, Ottawa Ontario. Site design by: Capital Creations, Ottawa